Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gettin' goin'

I've been overdue to blog again, so here's how my week went...

Last night we had our weekly meeting. We went to bowling.. It's amazing to see every one's progress. Not just to hear how their number change but to actually see the weight they are losing in their face and on their body. They motivate me to lose weight because I know their numbers will be dropping weekly and I've got to keep up. I am so proud of my team mates! After we weighed in we went bowling and had a change to be goofy with each other. It was so much fun! And BIG thank you to the Miles couple/team for picking up our bowling tab.. that's was so nice of you guys.

This past week I have learned a few things... No matter the support you have everything comes down to you. You can't count on the people around you to fill your life, make you happy or be what you depend on daily. You have to be the best you, be happy for yourself and depend on yourself to make it. The people in my life fill my thoughts and emotions. I learned that it is not fair to the ones who I depend on the most to make me happy. I need to do that on my own.

I have been getting more energy and that makes me happy. My body is changing and I can feel my clothes getting loser and my stomach getting firmer. I have maintained my weight from last week, but I am feel better so I am taking that as a good thing.

Also I have just started a new job. After being on unemployment so long that definitely helps my energy and attitude! I am starting to feel at home at my new job and work with really great people that are there to teach whenever I need it.

And with that... I have paychecks coming.. Which means I can afford a gym membership!!! Yay!! Finally, I can't wait to start working out again. I love working out and that has been something that has been missing from my daily routine. Working out helps me to have more energy, confidence.. which exudes happiness!

I am not on Medifast like everyone else in the program so losing weight each week won't be as drastic for me. I should be losing 2 pounds a week at the most. I will be eating small healthy lean meals, eating every 2-3 hours a day. Being able to have a gym membership is vital to me losing weight. I cannot lose the weight I want to by just eating the right foods won't be an easy road, but it's the right one.

I am eager to get things going and to see more results...!!!

Stay tuned :) LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Beginning of the Journey


This blog starts the beginning of my journey in 2009. I have many goals, experiences and accomplishments that I want to reach. I am starting my journey with NW Health Challenge.

This is a reality TV program to help people lose weight, very similar to the Biggest Loser. It is being broad casted on a local TV station in Beaverton. I have been lucky enough to be selected as one of the contestants and am now fully involved in this program.

This week we finished taping my first interview and our first show. It was awesome! My weight was 229 pounds. I want to lose enough of that weight to be a size 10, which will probably be around 70 pounds for me.

As I said this is just the beginning... being involved in the NW Health Challenge marks the start. My goals after this program is what will help me to succeed in my dreams.

I am a plus size model. I have always wanted to do modeling and have recently been more active in pursuing that career field. I know that if I get down to my target size/weight I will be more successful, confident and proud to be a plus size model.

Plus size modeling in the NW starts at a size 8. Now in California or New York plus size modeling starts from a size 4-6... Yes, it's very sad, but very true. I have found that in modeling in the NW the best marketable size is from a size 10-12. A size 8 for me wouldn't be realistic and would be hard to manage, but a size 10-12 would be ideal for my body type.

To me being plus size is nothing to be ashamed of. I have always taken pride in having curves and having a real woman's body. I want to become my ideal size because it will be the healthiest thing for me. Not only will this keep me happy and motivated, but it will also enhance my career.

I want to prove to women, more importantly young woman that having a real body is nothing to be ashamed of. In my opinion curvy, athletic and healthy bodies is where the beauty is at! No question.

So this is my journey... to become the healthier me. To start taking good care of myself and be conscious of my everyday decisions that affect my health. To have the ideal, healthy and real body for me. And to market this journey and beliefs into my passion... Modeling!

Thanks for all the love and support!! And I'll keep you updated and let you know when our first episode is ready for viewers... Until then--- LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE! ~ Jamielynn

Saturday, February 7, 2009